Tuesday, June 9, 2020


June started off so promising but unfortunately didn't continue that way.

Two nights ago we had a bear try to get in the chickens.

He was unsuccessful, for which we are very grateful. Our 33 chickens are safe. For the moment. I think we'll have to electrify. He'll keep coming back. 

He was successful in getting into the garbage.

This morning, June 9, we woke to this.

Snow. An inch. And still coming down.

I pulled in as many of the potted plants from the deck as I could. I don't yet know what we've lost in the garden. I'm devastated. Defeated. Our garden was doing pretty well. We had worked so hard to maximize space, planted so many things. This year was the one we were finally going to get a full year supply of veggies. We'll head out to the garden later and see how much we lost.

I'm going to need a lot of chocolate to get through this day.

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