Saturday, July 7, 2018

Safe garbage

We celebrated our country's independence day this week.  We had a fun day, going down the mountain to a movie and dinner and fireworks. The best part though, was that Lumberjack took the whole week off work. We got a lot of projects done. Cleaning up downed trees, more work in the garden, lots of odds and ends.

Our big project however was building this enclosed area next to our propane tank to keep our garbage cans in.

Eventually we'll put a roof on it but hopefully this will keep the animals out.  No more mornings picking up scattered garbage.

Garden update

With all that work putting in the garden I worried mightily about whether or not I could actually make any vegetables grow. The financial and time commitment made me really, really  not want to fail. What if nothing came up? What if I killed everything off?

Fortunately, we've had most everything make an appearance. The only things we haven't seen pop up at all is the celery and the eggplant. I can live with that. Not everything has come up in abundance but they're here and we're getting a good idea weather or not they'll grow well up here.

We're a bit behind, even our late mountain season, just because it took us so long to get everything built, but we're hopeful and hardworking. We did have to plug some gaps today as something got in and ate our peppers. Grrr, the first veggies showing and something else got them. But, we learned and hope we plugged all the gaps this time.

Here's to a handsome harvest.