Tuesday, October 29, 2019


We’ve had over two feet of snow already and it’s only October.

The snow is softly falling. Again. They say we’ll get between eight and sixteen more inches before it ends tomorrow.

I love snow. I love the way it muffles the sound of everything when you’re outside. I love the cold soft caress on my face as it falls. But mostly I love being safe and warm in my house while it coats the world in beauty and peace.

Yes, I know there’s a darker side to snow, but for now, I’m cozy and content. Homemade bread is rising on the counter, soup bubbling on the stove. We have food and wood enough, even if we are snowed in for a week.

I love my mountain home

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow! But it looks so nice and peaceful, if a bit wet and heavy :p
