Tuesday, November 7, 2017

We did it!

We’ve been worried about getting our fence posts in before the ground freezes. Well, we did it. 

This weekend we put in the last of them. We may be a bit sore but, for now, the digging is done. There’s still a lot to do, the connecting boards and braces, putting up the fencing, we’ll need to do boards around the bottom, too, to connect the fencing to so foxes don’t push under it or pull it up. But all of that can be done on nice days in the winter. One good thing about Colorado is the complete fluctuation of temperatures.  

  It may look a little bit like a pole garden, or an abstract sculpture But we won’t have to worry about digging through frozen ground. 

And maybe, just maybe I can convince lumberjack to do some easy inside work this weekend.

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