To make it easier, so we don't have to do a fence around each, we're combining the garden, compost pile and chicken coop into one big well guarded compound. Sounds good, right? Well, it's a lot of work.
This is the area we wanted it in. It's fairly level, for the mountain anyway. It's large, it's south facing for sun and warmth. Plus, it's over our leech field so we're hoping for some extra nutrients. You can see at the back left the huge slash pile we had to clean up, plus there were a couple trees back there that needed to come down.
The next thing we had to do is build a small retaining wall in that back corner where the slope was too big to deal with. That area will be our compost area.
Eventually it will have raised beds, with covers we can take off/put on to extend the season. We're more worried about putting in the fence posts before the ground freezes though so raised beds can wait. What can't wait is preparing the soil. So we laid out where we want our beds and did some compostable layers with cardboard packing boxes, packing paper, hay, and lama manure we got from a friend. Hopefully, with the warm/cold and wet/dry crazy weather we have over the winter it will all be nice soil ready for planting in the summer. Looks a little funny right now though.
That'll be a lot of veggies for us.
We started the fence posts this weekend but with all the rocks, and the length of the fence it's taking awhile.
This is what we're doing based on our needs/wants and what we think will work. If we're doing it wrong or you have any suggestions we'd love to hear it!